Tailored Settings Application: One User, Many Options in Windows 10/11
When applying a local group policy to your PC, you may not want it to paint over all users. The answer is to apply local group policy to a specific user or set of users. This way you can control which features are accessible to specific user accounts.
It also makes it easy to apply and modify controls and appearances for individual users, and you’ll get a quick glance at which policies apply to which users. Here’s how to apply local group policy to specific user accounts on Windows 10 and 11.
What Is the Local Group Policy?
Group Policy is a Windows feature that gives you more control over the things user accounts are able to do and have access to. Changing Group Policy changes how the system works for different sets of users. We’ve covered what Group Policy is and how you can use it , with examples, in much more detail separately.
Title: Tailored Settings Application: One User, Many Options in Windows 10/11